The Weekly Trade Plan: Top Stock Ideas & In-Depth Execution Strategy – Week of July 22, 2024

Ryan HassonGeneral Comments

   Traders, I’ll be sharing my top ideas, thought process, and precise entry and exit plans with you for the upcoming week.  Now, just before we get into that, some important reminders. Earnings are getting underway, and this week, several market giants, like Tesla and Alphabet, reporting earnings. Last week was driven in many aspects by breaking news and headlines, … Read More

Elite Traders Kryptonite (Shocking!)

BellaBella Daily Update

Justin spero

What if I told you some of the best prop traders experienced periods of awful trading?  I might go so far as to say their results were awful during specific periods.  They lost money.  They made unforced errors.  They lost confidence. You might have periods in your trading where you conclude you are terrible. You wallow in despair that you … Read More

You Are Meant To Do Something Great (A Note to Traders)

BellaBella Daily Update

Dear Traders, You are meant to do something great. At SMB Capital, a proprietary trading desk in NYC/Miami, we are proud to have developed numerous 7-figure-a-year and even 8-figure-a-year traders. Yes! Become your best trader with impressive PnL.  But there are many other ways to be great as a trader at a proprietary trading firm or elsewhere.  Being great at … Read More

The Weekly Trade Plan: Top Stock Ideas & In-Depth Execution Strategy – Week of July 8, 2024

Ryan HassonGeneral Comments

Hey Traders, Get ready for an exciting week ahead with some fresh trading ideas. In this update, I’ll break down my thought process and share my entry and exit strategies for my top ideas, which are set for significant directional moves. In my latest Inside Access meeting, I detailed my exact trades and executions, and last week’s watchlist was spot … Read More

The Weekly Trade Plan: Top Stock Ideas & In-Depth Execution Strategy – Week of July 1, 2024

Ryan HassonGeneral Comments

Trader, I have fresh ideas that could make the upcoming week exciting. In this update, I’ll explain my thought process and share my entry and exit strategies for my top picks, which are primed for significant directional moves. As I discussed in detail and thoroughly reviewed the exact trades with my executions in my latest Inside Access meeting, the watchlist … Read More

The Weekly Trade Plan: Top Stock Ideas & In-Depth Execution Strategy – Week of June 24, 2024

Ryan HassonGeneral Comments

Traders, I’ve got a fresh batch of ideas that could set us up for an exciting week ahead. In this update, I’ll walk you through my thought process and detail my entry and exit strategies for my top picks, which are poised for significant directional moves. The expectation adjustment, rotation, and profit-taking expected in the semi-sector and NVDA, which I … Read More

This One Thing Makes You a Better Trader

BellaBella Daily Update

At lunch at 5 Acres in Rockefeller Center, I asked three promising summer interns: What has helped you improve the most during your internship? Their answer might surprise you. It didn’t surprise me as I have heard and seen the power of this one thing on our proprietary trading in NYC many many times.  I have heard this from different … Read More