KISS – GD Trade

BellaGuest Blog, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs2 Comments

My KISS job description of day trading: “Figure out what they are buying or selling and then find an entry”.  I come to the screen everyday with that thought firmly implanted and visualized.  Find something they are buying and get long; find something being sold and get short.. simple.

I mean even Forrest Gump could understand that.  I don’t allow myself to guess or try to be smarter than the next guy. I am looking for the obvious. That’s my job pure and simple. When I stick to this I trade much better. Yes, you will have to acquire the skill to know where to enter and how to realistically calculate the risk reward but this simple job description should keep you focused on the task at hand.  Everyday this is my job!

I will start to write on how exactly I go about figuring out what is being bought or sold in the days ahead. For a look at something that was being sold yesterday take a look and listen here

Jeff Davis  @Shaq48_Trading

2 Comments on “KISS – GD Trade”

  1. THANK YOU. Excellent post. Too often many traders want to post their intellectual thesis on trading, sophisticated indicators, etc. etc., but at the end of the day, none of us (independents) move markets as Bella says. GS, JPM, SAC and the likes could care less what your trading thesis is – if they are BUYING, then you best well find an entry to get LONG. simple. well said my friend!

  2. Thanks..think of your trading plan like a baseball or golf swing..if its short compact and simple it can usually be repeated. If its too long or has hitches its harder to repeat. KISS works, especially under pressure.

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