This One Thing Makes You a Better Trader

BellaBella Daily Update

At lunch at 5 Acres in Rockefeller Center, I asked three promising summer interns: What has helped you improve the most during your internship? Their answer might surprise you. It didn’t surprise me as I have heard and seen the power of this one thing on our proprietary trading in NYC many many times.  I have heard this from different … Read More

A Walk in Boston with 3 Experienced Traders Giving Back

BellaBella Daily Update

Let me share a video jam-packed with trading advice and wisdom for developing and experienced traders.  Three experienced traders are interviewed for this video, who have experience both as professional traders, but also mentoring traders.  I make this distinction because the addition of their experience mentoring traders means they have spent significant time thinking of how best to communicate important … Read More

10 Key Takeaways from March Trading (from the Prop Desk)

BellaBella Daily Update

1. Gchat an accountability partner to help you trade bigger. One junior trader had a breakout month in March.  During his Team monthly review, this junior trader attributed the below as a big reason for this success:  During the 5-6 biggest opportunities of the month, he sent a Gchat to an accountability partner, outlined why the opportunity was worthy of … Read More

I want to be the best trader at the prop firm

BellaBella Daily Update

The proper focus for a trader Focus on being your best trader.  Focusing on anything different may cause you to fall short of  your potential.  At our prop firm, falling short of your potential is NOT acceptable. This game is about being your best.  Yet, it is common for traders to strive to be better than another trader(s).  Have you … Read More