No Excuses

BellaGeneral Comments, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs6 Comments

I am too tired to rip through charts.

This market is too hard.

This market is too slow.

It’s too nice out to stay for the close.

I have to meet some buddies for drinks.

I need a faster computer.

My platform sucks.

My firm doesn’t care.

If only someone taught me (fill in the blank).

I am not smart enough to trade.

The markets are rigged.

HFTs make trading too hard.

My tickets are too expensive.

I am not feeling well today.

This stock makes no sense.

This market makes no sense.

I will do it tomorrow.

6 Comments on “No Excuses”

  1. how could you forget: My charting package sucks, reading the tape is “useless”, I need 6 monitors, need better filters, I need a bigger stop to make more money. I can’t make money on Wednesdays… 🙂

  2. This video is awesome, like my school principal said so many times before “Carpe Diem”

  3. love that commerical!!!! nice post, bella…i’m feeling a little guilty.

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