Do we have hot streaks as a trader? There is some research here from the must read @jonahlehrer that suggests that the belief there are shooting streaks in basketball is not supported by the data. I asked Dr. Jonathan F. Katz of High Performance Associates and who works with traders for his thoughts (see below): Ah, the age old question, perception … Read More
Traders Ask: Was I a Wuss?
Hey Mike And Steve, I had a question for you guys about risk and how you guys manage it psychologically. For some reason, when trading on my Lightspeed Platform, my risk tolerance shrinks, and I punch out of stocks way to early or cannot sit through pullbacks when a stock goes negative on me. I get nervous it will just fall out of … Read More
Traders Ask: Violating My Risk Parameters
Dear Mike, I hope that my email finds you well. One of things I’ve learned about trading at a proprietary firm, is that the best traders are also the most honest traders. They’re honest about their numbers, their mistakes and weaknesses as a trader. Today I took a real close look at my trading weakness. I want this to become … Read More
Breaking Your Keyboard
I know that when you trade it’s best to stay calm. And busting your keyboard is not keeping cool. I get and have blogged that you make poor trading decisions when you are not in the zone. But having sat on a prop desk the past 12 years of my life I have heard and seen many smashed, broken, and … Read More