Thank you Covid!

BellaBella Daily Update

I got Covid for the first time this week.  Many on the desk didn’t miss their opportunity to tease me about being the last person on earth to get it.  My son got it as well.  That meant a trip to our house on the Jersey Shore to isolate from mom, his sister, and others.  So it was just the … Read More

Millionaire Wall Street Trader Accelerates Through Dark Knight Tunnel (Show Notes)

BellaBella Daily Update

@TheOneLanceB zooms while interviewed by @Bthestory87 in the video: Millionaire Wall Street Trader Speeds in Dark Knight Tunnel.   @TheOneLanceB focuses on the connection between sleep and trading performance to help you potentially grow your trading account. One viewer of the video commented: Thank you for these interviews! Lance drops so many gems, he is someone I look up to in … Read More

Unveiling the Secrets: What Contributes to Being a Consistent Trader? (Show Notes)

BellaBella Daily Update

@TheOneLanceB joins @FuturesTrader71 and Anthony Crudele, Host of Futures Radio Show, for a deep discussion on a topic important to many new and developing traders and even experienced traders: What Contributes to Being a Consistent Trader? Below are the Show Notes from this discussion, compiled by SMB for the trading community. Here is what one viewer said about this video: … Read More

Role models are essential

BellaBella Daily Update

Over the break my family and a friend and his two daughters visited Princeton to catch a women’s basketball game…as a special gift to my daughter.  I had never been to the campus.  My wife hadn’t been in years since playing a college away game there.  The visit was a reward my daughter earned performing exceptionally well during her Christmas … Read More

Learning from the rip in Tesla

BellaBella Daily Update

This week we wrote about how we were hawking a Tesla Bounce Trade.  See Four keys for a Tesla Bounce Trade. Friday we took that trade.  And we took a rip.  See Taking a Rip in Tesla. This weekend we challenged our traders to consider why the trade failed.  See Why did we take a rip in Tesla? Look the rip … Read More

Why did we take a rip in Tesla?

BellaBella Daily Update

Three days ago, I wrote that we were hawking a Tesla Bounce Trade. See Four keys for a Tesla Bounce Trade. Friday we took that trade.  And we took a rip.  See Taking a Rip in Tesla. Perhaps after review, we will conclude that the Tesla Bounce Trade was worth taking.  But there is an important element of that review, … Read More

Taking a Rip in Tesla

BellaBella Daily Update

We shared that we have been hawking a potential Bounce Trade in Tesla.  I spelled out Four Keys for a Tesla Bounce Trade.  Some on the desk pounced on a Bounce Trade in Tesla after SEEING it.  They took rips as the trade failed.  Let’s discuss an important reality to being a professional trader. Taking losses is part of the … Read More