No one ever said that trading is easy—and certainly not for the beginner, who is still developing his skills. But even experienced traders can have crippling moments of self-doubt after a run of trades that didn’t work out. But ask yourself: if you’re a baseball player who strikes out three times up at bat, are you going to call it quits? No, you’re going to regroup, rethink what you’re doing—and come back swinging, just as all the pros do.

Here’s what you need to know: the market is trying to kick you out of the game. You can be sure of that. But it is only the traders who have the utmost confidence to keep coming back after getting struck down so many times. When you focus on what needs to be done, when you pay attention to your critical voice and not let it get in the way, you will anchor yourself back to the present. What happens then? You’ll have a clear mind to see and act on the next good trade. You know those trades are out there. You see them all the time. And you will see them again. But as Spencer notes in one of the posts below, part of your job is to first understand failure. Once you do, you make the needed adjustments, you dust yourself off, and you get back in the game—and the posts below will show you how.

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