Summer Crush Turned Long Term Relationship – AIG

gmanGilbert Mendez's (Gman's) Blogs5 Comments

The party continues in AIG. After the reverse split the stock has been heavily in play at least 75% of the trading days. Yesterday the stock was not as in play as it had been but still provided some good opportunities. That AIG is like that attractive girl you are happy you met for the summer that later turned into a serious commitment. Four weeks of price action, two vacations cancelled and lot of disapointed friends and relatives kind of commitment. Okay I know I am pushing the analogy here but you get my point. The stock has been awesome and I am pumped to finally take some time off to relax.

The last five trading days not including yesterday were exceptional trading days in this stock so I did not mind having a slower day. Seriously, for the last week or so I have been exhausted. Most of us traded 2-3 times our average daily volume. As a group I think we traded 3-4%+ of the volume in AIG a few days in a row. Last Friday we all went out to celebrate the best week we had all year and the party died after an hour…maybe two. And trust me, I take my going out quite seriously, so for me to pass on a huge night of shenanigans is a big deal. The thought of going to Vegas for the weekend didn’t even cross my mind. Okay now if you knew me personally you would think I was seriously ill. I wasn’t, I was just AIGed out.

When a stock gets as volatile as it did this past month it is time to pounce. For our style of trading it doesn’t get much better than this. Seriously talk about finding at least 50-80 excellent low risk and silly high reward plays a day. From the charts there were two awesome breaks but from the tape the opportunities were endless. Trading started around 8am and went through 4pm sharp with very little to no interruptions during the day. Skipping lunch was the norm. You prayed your blader was big enough to hold for the day. I seriously feel like I have been doing iron men triathlons on a daily basis for a month now. I have been trying to write this blog for about a week now and it is not getting any easier.

What an unexpected August. Normally I take most of the month off to relax and this year I got suckered in the AIG party. I am not complaining don’t get me wrong but I need my rest. And tonight will be heading for Outerbanks, NC for a nice relaxing week. Chipper!

Looking forward to the last quarter of the year. Our tape reading program will be coming out Sept 14th and we are excited about it. But until then I hope you enjoy your long weekend. I know I will. gmonkey out.

5 Comments on “Summer Crush Turned Long Term Relationship – AIG”

  1. I guess you got the girl. I tried to hit on AIG many times but all I did was get slapped.

  2. I guess you got the girl. I tried to hit on AIG many times but all I did was get slapped.

  3. Jacky – Do not be discouraged. You may just have to keep trying. She may just say yes 🙂

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