Options Traders that Don’t Fail Have This in Common

smbcapitalJohn Locke, Options Education, SMB OptionsLeave a Comment

The data is in and the record is clear: Income traders who control the size of their losing trades are the long term winners.

Having run our options trading desk at SMB since 2013 and having traded options income strategies for much longer… I can tell you that this simple truth proves itself over and over — on a regular basis.

Most options income trades usually have very high win rates—often 60% to 80% of the time—but relatively lower levels of profit per trade than other forms of trading—such as day trading or swing trading equities.

So with such high win rates, yet modest profits per trade, it stands to reason that controlling the size of losses in those minority of cases where these trades lose is critical to success over the long term.

That’s why our Super Simple Spreads program has been one of the most popular options training programs in SMB history.

The course includes four trading plans that options trader can begin implementing right away. There is a bullish strategy, a bearish strategy, a combined/neutral strategy, and one that is intended to be a “Somewhat” Super Simple Spread… called the V-Condor.

We call these trades “simple” only because the structure of the trade is easy to understand. The strategies are complete with rules for entry, management, and exit.

The extensive back testing and live trading experience that John Locke brings to these strategies makes them non-theoretical. These spreads were developed and traded by one of the top performing market neutral options traders at our firm… you can be certain that you will learn everything you need to know about these strategies.

Click the banner below to watch a video where John Locke describes the strategies in detail (scroll all the way to the bottom to see the video and a podcast interview with John Locke and Andrew Falde).



-Seth Freudberg
Director of Options Trading

Options risk disclosure. No relevant positions.

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