From Options Student to Consistent Money Maker: A Comprehensive Guide

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This is Andrej Fedor (middle), SMB Options Desk trader, with Seth Freudberg and me after lunch in NYC.  Andrej was a former student of Seth’s for our education arm, SMB Options.  Now he sits as a profitable trader on our options desk.

We love to study former students turned successful traders at SMB.  And then we love sharing their path with our community.  Let’s learn some more about Andrej, with the hope that it might help you and us.

  • Andrej was the fastest trader that Seth has ever taught and trained to go from almost no knowledge to very competent- six months.  So much for it taking years to become a competent trader.
  • He trades the second highest amount of capital on the options desk, having received numerous bumps in capital after periods of consistent performance.
  • Andrej trades a style that fits his personality.  Andrej is risk averse.  Thus, he trades a risk averse style of options spread trading.  Specifically, he locks in gains quickly, such that he rarely has a losing month.
  • What I loved most during our lunch was to learn Andrej is constantly innovating and tweaking his trading.  These are the footprints of a successful and sustaining trader.  Many have a good run in markets and then flounder.  It is the trader innovating and tweaking that sustains and thrives.
  • Andrej lives in Slovakia, working as an economist and trader.  He supplements his primary job with options trading, creating more income for his family.
  •  Another success story from the education arm of SMB Options, turning a former student into professional trader.

If you have any trading questions, I am happy to answer them at [email protected].