4/6/11 Stock Scans (with some questions answered)

AdamAdam Grimes's blogs, General Comments1 Comment

Here are today’s scans

And two questions:

>I lost my notes from the webinar. Is it archived?

Yes. Scroll down a few posts back and you will see that Roy posted the video. For other people looking at these scans who did not see the video, you might want to watch it. These probably make more sense in context of the whole seminar.

>I would like to know what is the quickest yet effective way to scan if I have a long list. Would printing a chart of the individual stocks be the only way to do this?

I guess I’m not 100% sure I understand the question. You can cut the list out of the pdf document and put it into a screen in most charting packages, and then click through the list. I have my charts set up so that they flip multiple timeframes when I click through a list. (I think I showed that in the video, but if not maybe that’s a topic for a future seminar.) I would make it a point to look at the chart of every single stock on the scan list every day, and look at hourly, daily and weekly timeframes. Over time, you will start to know what they look like, so I don’t need to look at the chart of AAPL to know what a +2 standard deviation close would look like on that chart. I can visualize it because I know the structure of most of those charts, but you still need to review them pretty much every day. I would also say you should have some idea what is driving each of the big movers. Don’t drill down into pseudo-fundamentals (unless you intend to do actual, real fundamental work), but at least know the narrative behind the moves. That’s part of your job as a professional trader.

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One Comment on “4/6/11 Stock Scans (with some questions answered)”

  1. The registration for the webinar is posted but unfortunately not the video. Help :o)

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