Why do you guys run an education company?

BellaGeneral Comments

At SMB, our primary business is our proprietary trading desk.  85 percent of my energy and attention goes into the trading desk, our traders, and growing that business.  But everyday, I do spend time on our education arm- SMBU. Recently, I had drinks with two partners of a proprietary trading desk in NYC and one asked, “Why do you guys … Read More

Wait For Your Pitch

smbcapitalFree Daily Trading Video

In this video Seth Freudberg emphasizes the importance of patience in waiting for the best price to initiate a trade and the many if benefits of holding out for an optimal price to enter a trade.

Think Outside the Box

smbcapitalFree Daily Trading Video

In this video, Seth Freudberg covers a simple technique for cutting an options position’s exposure to increased options volatility–a risk that exists right now in this low volatility, low volume market environment.