XLE Levels

BellaGeneral Comments, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

The past two trading days there has been tremendous price action in XLE, crude, and related equities.  I am not an expert on energy but I do know that 80 and now 77 are very important levels for XLE.  Below 80 and 77 and you should look for weakness in the energy stocks.  Above 80 and 77 and you should look for strength.  Below … Read More

Profiting From Patterns

sspencerGeneral CommentsLeave a Comment

During our AM meeting our Desk gathers in our conference room to discuss the stocks that will be “In Play” for the day. I usually also throw in some tidbits about recent market patterns that may help our traders make some “easy” money. Easy money is usually found in one of our core trading plays that our trainees learn during … Read More

Hey, Just Relax and Trade

Mark McLeanGeneral Comments4 Comments

During the past few days we have seen noticeably increased volatility and movement in our markets. Days like this are what a day trader salivates for, because the money making opportunities are vast as money is pulled in and out of the market and stocks act somewhat erratically. During these times it is easy to get overly worked up because … Read More