Summer Trading

gmanGilbert Mendez's (Gman's) BlogsLeave a Comment

The slow part of the summer is upon us. Seasonally this is the best time to take time off to get ready for another exciting year of trading. August is typically a very slow month in trading, especially the last two weeks of the month. If the volume and volatility is not there, it is not the time to sling … Read More

Be in the Stock When It’s Moving

BellaGeneral Comments, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs, Trading TheoryLeave a Comment

As we have mentioned previously in my blog some have emailed me with concerns that program trading will rule trading soon.  The market will never displace the disciplined independent trader.  What is certain is that programs mandate that you adjust your trading and more selectively choose your entry points.  Let’s take a look at ELN from yesterday to illustrate this … Read More

Is It Really That Bad?

Mark McLeanGeneral Comments18 Comments

Yesterday, ELN and WYE were massacred, by Wall Street standards, because of a drug that was being developed for Alzheimer’s disease and failed in phase II trials. The experimental drug was said to “only help half of patients and was linked with a brain-swelling side effect” by (You can read more about it here: In the aftermath, ELN … Read More

Just Trade

BellaGeneral Comments, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) BlogsLeave a Comment

There was a bunch of chatter on our desk before the Close about a dead market. DQ, a solid young trader, was complaining, “The energy stocks stopped moving. They don’t move that well after 2:30. Nothing is movin.” I remarked, “So take a look at some of the financials, young fella.” MER was sitting there at 25, bobbing and weaving … Read More


BellaGeneral Comments, Mike Bellafiore's (Bella's) Blogs3 Comments

Scalping is an important trading technique for new traders to learn. Yesterday was a great example for why. But let me take a step back. Every so often we get a cocky young student who strides into my office and asks direct questions. The last young such kid started with, “do you just teach scalping techniques?” A perfectly legitimate question. … Read More