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“You can be better tomorrow than you are today!” Mike Bellafiore, The PlayBook

From our work with traders, we are seeing 5 key areas where if progress is made results can improve dramatically- even from consistently negative to consistently profitable.

Often on the SMB Blog, Mike Bellafiore, highlights best practices from traders on our desk.  Many of these best practices are adjustments traders have made that have dramatically improved their trading- sometimes from consistently negative to consistently profitable.

At SMB repeatedly we see five key areas where traders often can do better:

  1. Stock Selection
  2. Being Bionic
  3. Process
  4. Edge
  5. Review of your edge

Yes… it takes work.  Yes… traders must make changes. But you can build new habits and develop best practices to help you improve as a trader.

Over the next two weeks you will learn how to spend more time on high-impact, high-growth activities so you can identify your true opportunities versus false starts.

  • Join us to improve your stocks selection.
  • Become bionic and take more of your best setups.
  • Build an elite trading process so you become your best trader.
  • Understand and maximize your trading edge.

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